‚Exceptional Express Shopping Service … Recommended Highly!‘
want to share with my friends who love Germany, the German people and the German products and taste.
I was on a visit to Hannover to attend the ‚EMO.‘ I only had a few days to stay in Hannover before I continue my trip over to Istanbul for another business trip. I wanted to buy a casual sweater with a matching shirt and a blazer jacket that is German in colors and character. I also wanted to buy gifts for my family and especially my grandchildren. I did not have the time to look around because this was my first trip to Hanover.
I checked with the concierge at the hotel. He advised that I check ‚Shopping Scout Hannover‘ on the Internet. I did and I am so happy to have found Mrs. Anette Helbig’s web site https://shoppingscout-hannover.de/. I contacted her and she spoke very good English. She is very professional, prompt, sharp and on time.
We agreed to meet in the afternoon after describing to her what I wanted. She came on time and she was elegant and had a good taste. We met over coffee and she started asking proping questions to identify my taste and my family’s design preferences and colors. Next day, we had another appointment. And, to my pleasant surprise she came prepared with addresses, locations and items to be looked at to purchase for the family. I bought a nice purse for my wife and two nice tops for my daughters. I also bought very nice shirts and traditional German outfits for my young grandchildren. All this took me no more than one hour of an initial interview in the first meeting and three more hours in the next day. She even helped me find the best products at the lower prices.
I am indebted to Mrs. Helbig; my best Shopping Scout. Thank you Mrs. Helbig.
Dr. Y. A. R?Chief Executive Officer – A US-Based Finance Company